Mo. bis Fr. von 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr Donnerstag 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Application for granting of benefits according to the German Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG)

DE | EN | RU

This online application for asylum seeker benefits can only be submitted as an initial application by Ukrainian refugees.

Authentication for the online service (e.g. using a BayernID) is not required yet. This will be done at the personal visit to the district office.

In addition to the applicant, all other persons living in the household must also be specified. This information can be entered under step 2 "Additional persons". For each additional person, the form can be expanded with the green "+ add more".

An application is necessary for:

Single person
married couple
adult "children"

Minor children do not need to submit a separate application, but must be entered in the parent's or parent's application as "additional person".

Personal circumstances applicant


Financial circumstances and assets of the Applicant

Other persons in the household

Financial circumstances and assets

housing circumstances
bank details
Notes and Declaration